MAR 22 | Spring Festival of LXs

MAR 29 | SCLX at the Memorial Villages PD Food Truck Rodeo

APR 19 |  Space City Cruisers Spring Show

APR 26 | Alvin Frontier Days Car Show

MAY 17 | SCLX 18th Birthday Bash

JUN 20-21 | Turpentine Creek Mopar Classic

OCT 9-11 | SCLX hosts Lone Star Mopar Fest 2025

Check our SCLX FACEBOOK PAGE for events members have expressed interest in.


All event attendees represent Space City LX Modern Mopar and are asked to act according to the following guidelines. These guidelines are in place to maintain the reputation of Space City LX as club that respects our surroundings and our members conduct themselves in a professional manner. 

Please refrain from:

Our ability to meet at these public places is jeopardized every time an incident occurs. Bystanders look at us as "another one of those car clubs" and report these isolated incidents to the property owners and/or law enforcement.

Lastly, don't end up on video like this driver, or this one, or this one.


Caravans are great ways for members to travel to events. Our priority when caravaning is SAFETY FIRST. We have drivers of all skill and experience levels who participate in these caravans. Please observe these guidelines, whether in a small area caravan or in a larger club cruise.

The goal of every event is to have a great time and starts with arriving safely.


In case weather becomes a factor on event days, our Lead Team will be in touch with the club staff and members in the area to evaluate conditions.

A GO / NO GO decision will be made approximately twenty-four hours prior to event start. We ask members to keep aware of an event cancellation via our TELEGRAM Group or our private Facebook Group

Thank you for your cooperation and help in spreading the word should we need to cancel an event due to weather.


Space City LX Modern Mopar is not your ordinary "car club". We are a community of enthusiasts, who gather locally at events, and in between events stay connected via our digital platforms. 

There is a lot that goes into making the SCLXperience what it is. It takes great volunteers to make SCLX events what they are. They help unload, assist with parking, greet members, staff Mission Control, take photos, cleanup, and load out. 

Interested in being a volunteer? Find a Pam, Jerry, or Rob at any of our hosted events.